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Posted: 08 May 2024, 23:02
by DreamyPumpkins
Hi! I'm Pumpkins!! Most people here do know me already but figured I'd type an introduction anyway! I wanted to do this when this category was added but got. Anxious. But anyway -

About me:
My pronouns are they/them and I am enby! I like to draw and make a lot of characters, and am working on making stories, too! I am neurodivergent and disabled with a genetic illness and possibly something else, I won't go into details, but it does affect my energy levels and I am pretty tired like 24/7.

I have been doing art since I was a kid but only really started taking a big interest in it and improving in 2020! I like to draw fluffy animal people! (Or furries I guess iksaokdsa) I also like to experiment and try different things in art, though I do mostly draw OCs - I would love to try my hand at more fully rendered scenes! They are very intimidating but I got this! Already have one sketch I really wanna try to render. I hope to one day turn my loose story ideas into full comics, too!! I do not know if I have the skill to do them but hopefully this year I can try to do some of that!

I like coffee and plushies or anything soft really. I like foxes a lot, and also dragons... and video games, specifically Pokemon and Splatoon being big special interests to me, Pokemon being part of my life for long as I can remember. For hobbies... tbh mostly just games and art, though art is maybe more than a hobby. I do need to find some more hobbies. Would love to try 3D modelling and pixel art!

But yeah! I guess I didn't have a ton to say but hi!


Posted: 19 May 2024, 23:18
by ClefdeSoll
I’m so sorry for my late response, the end of chapter grind had claimed me! I’m excited to see you dip your toes in storytelling, and am glad you’re here with us <3


Posted: 22 May 2024, 06:32
by DreamyPumpkins
ClefdeSoll wrote: 19 May 2024, 23:18 I’m so sorry for my late response, the end of chapter grind had claimed me! I’m excited to see you dip your toes in storytelling, and am glad you’re here with us <3
No worries, I understand!! 🧡

And yeah! I really do want to try to start telling stories, I may not be much of a writer but I do want to try ~ and 🥺🧡