Make Your Own Custom Status Page Entry

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Make Your Own Custom Status Page Entry

Post by ClefdeSoll »

Hey guys!

Yesterday I put together a couple of assets for anyone who wants to put together one of the comic's status page entries with their own characters. The icons section of things is old, outdated and incomplete since I was mostly using it for myself and I'd like to eventually vectorize all of them. The white sections of the fighting classes is added underneath after being put into place.

Every colour should be easy to lock in and change however you want! The default is teal because I did Yokoka's first. I made a mistake with the stats wheel and it's all on the same layer, I'll fix this asap. Just be aware if you colour lock it you'll need to redraw a bit over it.

I figured a forums post was the perfect place to easily drop/update these files as needed! These are for personal use only.
Have fun! And feel free to share yours here :3c

Meter: Two fighting classes, their levels, and whichever the character leans more towards.
HP/MP: physical health and magic meter (physical vs special)
Allegiance: Clan they swear allegiance (belong) to. Only one of the main 12 elements, and Dreams Clan is myth-based.
Affinity:: An element that rounds up their personality. Can be any of the 24 elements, and can have two. That's called a cusp. I like to think of this as some sort of zodiac sign.
Ability: A trait that stands out when thinking of the character that can be turned into a passive power, think like pokemon abilities.
Advantage/Weakness: An element that would be less and more effective to use on them respectively. This can mean literally (water beats fire) or impairing them in more subtle ways (Yokoka is scared of fire and immune to poison).

Weapon, Outfit, Accessories: This is equipment. Weapon is used to attack, outfit is where defensive gear goes, and the rest is anything they own. If more than 2, go for the most iconic/significant.
Stats: STR (strength, used for physical attack), STA (stamina, used for physical defence), AGI (agility, used for movement and reaction speed), INT (intelligence, used for magical offence), RES (Resistance, used for magical defence), LUC (Luck, used for accuracy)
Stats Distribution: I mostly do it by ear at this time, but every 10 levels (individual? average??) you can add more to their stats.

Refer to HERE for the proper list of elements and sub-elements. Some of the sub-elements are outdated.
Fighting Classes in order (not a complete list! Feel free to make your own!): Beast, Swordsman, Spirit Bird, Dual Swords User, Healer, Summoner, Tamer, Kicking as a fighting style, Beast Rider, Fruit Animal, Spellcaster
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Re: Make Your Own Custom Status Page Entry

Post by DreamyPumpkins »

Here are some questions for the status pages!

What are the two different levels for? Is it like, everyone has two fighting classes that level up based on how much they are used? And what does the pointer thing between the levels indicate?

What do the symbols for the classes refer to? I think I can understand some like the beast and sword. But some I'm not super sure on a lot of them haha.

How do we decide the Advantage and Weakness?
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Re: Make Your Own Custom Status Page Entry

Post by ClefdeSoll »

DreamyPumpkins wrote: 11 Aug 2024, 13:06 Here are some questions for the status pages!

What are the two different levels for? Is it like, everyone has two fighting classes that level up based on how much they are used? And what does the pointer thing between the levels indicate?

What do the symbols for the classes refer to? I think I can understand some like the beast and sword. But some I'm not super sure on a lot of them haha.

How do we decide the Advantage and Weakness?
- the meter represents two fighting classes (for example, swordsman and spellcaster), their respective levels and the pointer between them shows which one the user currently leans towards, independently from experience. So for example, if you were raised a swordsman but are trying to switch to spellcaster, you could be pointing towards it despite being a lower level.
- I'll add the full list to the original post since I didn't realize they didn't have labels, they're mostly typical rpg classes with some that are more character specific. You can make your own! It is by far not a complete list.
- I tend to create the character first and then adapt their elements to stuff that "feels right" for their personality. I like to use advantages and weaknesses to show things they might be scared of, or unphased by, etc. Phobias or things they are repulsed by make good weaknesses for example!

Feel free to ask more questions everyone <3
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Re: Make Your Own Custom Status Page Entry

Post by DreamyPumpkins »

ClefdeSoll wrote: 16 Aug 2024, 21:27 - the meter represents two fighting classes (for example, swordsman and spellcaster), their respective levels and the pointer between them shows which one the user currently leans towards, independently from experience. So for example, if you were raised a swordsman but are trying to switch to spellcaster, you could be pointing towards it despite being a lower level.
- I'll add the full list to the original post since I didn't realize they didn't have labels, they're mostly typical rpg classes with some that are more character specific. You can make your own! It is by far not a complete list.
- I tend to create the character first and then adapt their elements to stuff that "feels right" for their personality. I like to use advantages and weaknesses to show things they might be scared of, or unphased by, etc. Phobias or things they are repulsed by make good weaknesses for example!

Feel free to ask more questions everyone <3
Thank you for answering my questions and stuff! I think I have everything I need for this but I will let you know if I have more questions! And I am already getting ideas for the advantage and weakness.

ALSO it's cool we can make our own fighting class and, as I was having trouble thinking what else Cisum Nitor would have as a class!
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