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Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 12:37
by DreamyPumpkins
Note: Copied this from discord and just edited it so pardon if it reads a bit weird.

What if I made a Cisum version of Nitor...?  What do you think would be fitting element wise? I can explain some about them if requested though I think most people here already know about them? I hope I worded everything here in concise, clear manner.

So my thoughts basically are...
Nitor would be Moon Clan I think... but I saw something about a Dreams Clan? :O I am curious about the elements for it! I am aware a lot of info is not yet written about it so I do hope it is okay to ask about!! I was thinking of it because dreams and the moon are things you would think of for night time. Which is Nitor's whole motif and everything. And I'm trying to think of what changes I'd make to them to have them fit the world better. (I know Cisum is very open as a world for what you can do but I'd still like to have it fit well.)

ALSO ADDITIONAL QUESTION primary and secondary elements I have always been slightly confused with... can you only have that primary if you are from the clan? Like. You can only have the moon clan element if you are from the moon clan? And so you cannot have say... two elements that are primaries like Moon and Light?

But basically I am trying to figure out how to go about this! Like what kind of design elements would fit for the clans I was thinking of? And any suggestions and stuff I could do? Pardon if a bit too broad a topic!!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 12:36
by masamunemaniac
There is a placeholder for information about elements and their associated clans in this thread.

A character can have any element affinity regardless of their clan:
  • Yokoka is an example of having a primary element affinity (Light) that is different to her clan (Moon).
  • Yin is an example of having a sub element affinity (Ice) that is different to her clan (Moon).
  • Grace is an example of having a primary element affinity (Water) when she has no clan allegiance at all.
Blinky describes the affinity element as an element that reflects your personality, and that you would be naturally good at if you decide to learn [magic for] it. The next page she describes the typical Light personality (which will eventually end up in this thread too), and this is also why they try to have Inky teach Light magic to Yokoka (however, as she demonstrates, being naturally better with that type of magic doesn't mean much if you can't figure out the language).

As the elements thread mentions, "It is said the dreams clan only exists in myths and legends and is not actually real". Though I think we (the readers) can very much assume it is real, but most people in Cisum would not know that. This doesn't mean that your character can't be from the Dreams clan, but if they are, then you should maybe consider how this might affect their interactions with other people (do they hide their clan, or tell the truth and some people maybe don't believe them, or just avoid bringing it up? do dress and adopt mannerisms of another clan to avoid drawing attention to themselves as being different? etc).

My oc Rina is from the Dreams clan, but it doesn't really come up because they're just a pet fox who doesn't speak, who would even ask about it? (they have the ability to enter dreams kinda like how Copycat can, but they just do it to play with Theo)

The Moon Clan of course is very much covered in the YQ story so far :3

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 06:57
by DreamyPumpkins
masamunemaniac wrote: There is a placeholder for information about elements and their associated clans in this thread.

A character can have any element affinity regardless of their clan:
  • Yokoka is an example of having a primary element affinity (Light) that is different to her clan (Moon).
  • Yin is an example of having a sub element affinity (Ice) that is different to her clan (Moon).
  • Grace is an example of having a primary element affinity (Water) when she has no clan allegiance at all.
Blinky describes the affinity element as an element that reflects your personality, and that you would be naturally good at if you decide to learn [magic for] it. The next page she describes the typical Light personality (which will eventually end up in this thread too), and this is also why they try to have Inky teach Light magic to Yokoka (however, as she demonstrates, being naturally better with that type of magic doesn't mean much if you can't figure out the language).

As the elements thread mentions, "It is said the dreams clan only exists in myths and legends and is not actually real". Though I think we (the readers) can very much assume it is real, but most people in Cisum would not know that. This doesn't mean that your character can't be from the Dreams clan, but if they are, then you should maybe consider how this might affect their interactions with other people (do they hide their clan, or tell the truth and some people maybe don't believe them, or just avoid bringing it up? do dress and adopt mannerisms of another clan to avoid drawing attention to themselves as being different? etc).

My oc Rina is from the Dreams clan, but it doesn't really come up because they're just a pet fox who doesn't speak, who would even ask about it? (they have the ability to enter dreams kinda like how Copycat can, but they just do it to play with Theo)

The Moon Clan of course is very much covered in the YQ story so far :3
Oh this helps a lot thank you Masa, it gives me some ideas now I can better work off.

I honestly thought you had to at least have one of the clan elements, it is good to know that is not the case. (I also could have. Checked for characters in the comic.)

And ooo I see about the dreams clan!! Tbh having them be from there is a cool idea that I can see fitting with them for certain reasons. (Do not want to ramble too much but like they are. Weird. And despite trying their best to seem normal.) Though not sure. It is something to think on! And I will look deeper into the comic for moon clan stuff!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 06:57
by DreamyPumpkins

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 01 Apr 2024, 04:28
by ClefdeSoll
Sorry I took so long to get back to this! I’m glad masa did first because I admit I forgot about the forums for a bit and then was very tired 💦💦

No one has seen anyone from the dreams clan, and the element was discovered by accident. The reason its possible that it doesnt exist is because the gods are those who founded the clans. Some people with it as an affinity have a closer connection to it and feel as though they may have visited it in their dreams.

…but as masa says yes we can assume it exists and will come up much later in my stories. Characters from the dreams clan have special eyes where the iris looks like a mirror (sorry in advance to everyone who will need to edit that onto their dreams clan ocs), and dont quite use their eyesight as much as others i hope to share more about them here when i can!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 01 Apr 2024, 04:52
by DreamyPumpkins
ClefdeSoll wrote: Sorry I took so long to get back to this! I’m glad masa did first because I admit I forgot about the forums for a bit and then was very tired 💦💦

No one has seen anyone from the dreams clan, and the element was discovered by accident. The reason its possible that it doesnt exist is because the gods are those who founded the clans. Some people with it as an affinity have a closer connection to it and feel as though they may have visited it in their dreams.

…but as masa says yes we can assume it exists and will come up much later in my stories. Characters from the dreams clan have special eyes where the iris looks like a mirror (sorry in advance to everyone who will need to edit that onto their dreams clan ocs), and dont quite use their eyesight as much as others i hope to share more about them here when i can!
NO WORRIES!!! I was able to design them still!!

The gods of Cisum creating the clans is really interesting lore, and it makes me really excited about the dreams clan and the element even if not something that will be explored until much later. Also ooo mirror eyes! If I understand it is only being from the clan that gives you those sorts of eyes? Since Cisumian Nitor just has the element I wanna make sure!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 01 Apr 2024, 05:10
by ClefdeSoll
DreamyPumpkins wrote:
ClefdeSoll wrote: Sorry I took so long to get back to this! I’m glad masa did first because I admit I forgot about the forums for a bit and then was very tired 💦💦

No one has seen anyone from the dreams clan, and the element was discovered by accident. The reason its possible that it doesnt exist is because the gods are those who founded the clans. Some people with it as an affinity have a closer connection to it and feel as though they may have visited it in their dreams.

…but as masa says yes we can assume it exists and will come up much later in my stories. Characters from the dreams clan have special eyes where the iris looks like a mirror (sorry in advance to everyone who will need to edit that onto their dreams clan ocs), and dont quite use their eyesight as much as others i hope to share more about them here when i can!
NO WORRIES!!! I was able to design them still!!

The gods of Cisum creating the clans is really interesting lore, and it makes me really excited about the dreams clan and the element even if not something that will be explored until much later. Also ooo mirror eyes! If I understand it is only being from the clan that gives you those sorts of eyes? Since Cisumian Nitor just has the element I wanna make sure!
The clan! The formatting is that in the cast page, the first listed element is the clan they come from and the second is their affinity so I definitely assumed them to be from the dreams clan. Some characters have two affinities like Copycat, these are called cusps. And the formatting I have for that is like his cast page entry iirc i have it as Darkness/Dreams (Fortune) + Water for him. So Darkness is the clan, Dreams (Fortune) + Water is his affinities. (And yes, you can have clan allegiance and affinity turn out to be the same element! So like fire/fire)

Hope this helps!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 02 Apr 2024, 01:24
by DreamyPumpkins
ClefdeSoll wrote:
DreamyPumpkins wrote:
ClefdeSoll wrote: Sorry I took so long to get back to this! I’m glad masa did first because I admit I forgot about the forums for a bit and then was very tired 💦💦

No one has seen anyone from the dreams clan, and the element was discovered by accident. The reason its possible that it doesnt exist is because the gods are those who founded the clans. Some people with it as an affinity have a closer connection to it and feel as though they may have visited it in their dreams.

…but as masa says yes we can assume it exists and will come up much later in my stories. Characters from the dreams clan have special eyes where the iris looks like a mirror (sorry in advance to everyone who will need to edit that onto their dreams clan ocs), and dont quite use their eyesight as much as others i hope to share more about them here when i can!
NO WORRIES!!! I was able to design them still!!

The gods of Cisum creating the clans is really interesting lore, and it makes me really excited about the dreams clan and the element even if not something that will be explored until much later. Also ooo mirror eyes! If I understand it is only being from the clan that gives you those sorts of eyes? Since Cisumian Nitor just has the element I wanna make sure!
The clan! The formatting is that in the cast page, the first listed element is the clan they come from and the second is their affinity so I definitely assumed them to be from the dreams clan. Some characters have two affinities like Copycat, these are called cusps. And the formatting I have for that is like his cast page entry iirc i have it as Darkness/Dreams (Fortune) + Water for him. So Darkness is the clan, Dreams (Fortune) + Water is his affinities. (And yes, you can have clan allegiance and affinity turn out to be the same element! So like fire/fire)

Hope this helps!
Ahhh okay so I should have it be Moon, Dreams + Ice then? (PARDON ALL MY CONFUSION THANK YOU FOR INFO)

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 12:20
by masamunemaniac
If you want Nitor to be Moon Clan, with affinities to Dreams & Ice, then yeah!

(In addition to Chris's example of Copy having Fortune & Water affinities, Hurricane has Water & Wind affinities. Is it a coincidence that they're both very powerful...?)

Also worth noting that there are the Advantage and Weakness elements. These are less directly meaningful and more specific to the character, e.g. Yokoka has an advantage to Poison because of her poison immunity, Cad has an advantage to Earth because he can climb up rock faces, Yokoka has a weakness to fire because she has a fear of fire, Kalliv has a weakness to sound because he has sensitive ears (some presumptions have been made with the examples but they still work well enough as examples even if they're wrong lol). So you can also decide on those for your characters (I haven't decided on them for my characters yet).

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 13:50
by DreamyPumpkins
masamunemaniac wrote: If you want Nitor to be Moon Clan, with affinities to Dreams & Ice, then yeah!

(In addition to Chris's example of Copy having Fortune & Water affinities, Hurricane has Water & Wind affinities. Is it a coincidence that they're both very powerful...?)

Also worth noting that there are the Advantage and Weakness elements. These are less directly meaningful and more specific to the character, e.g. Yokoka has an advantage to Poison because of her poison immunity, Cad has an advantage to Earth because he can climb up rock faces, Yokoka has a weakness to fire because she has a fear of fire, Kalliv has a weakness to sound because he has sensitive ears (some presumptions have been made with the examples but they still work well enough as examples even if they're wrong lol). So you can also decide on those for your characters (I haven't decided on them for my characters yet).
Gotcha!! I should add that to their ref then.

The water element I recall being very versatile! Which I imagine allows you to do a lot. :3c

Also oh interesting! I like how it is specific to the character as that lets you add a bit of character based on what they are weak to or have an advantage toward! Nitor does have sound sensitivity so that would be a good contender for a weakness though not sure on that yet. It would be interesting to think about!

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 07 May 2024, 21:11
by ClefdeSoll
DreamyPumpkins wrote: 02 Apr 2024, 01:24
ClefdeSoll wrote:
The clan! The formatting is that in the cast page, the first listed element is the clan they come from and the second is their affinity so I definitely assumed them to be from the dreams clan. Some characters have two affinities like Copycat, these are called cusps. And the formatting I have for that is like his cast page entry iirc i have it as Darkness/Dreams (Fortune) + Water for him. So Darkness is the clan, Dreams (Fortune) + Water is his affinities. (And yes, you can have clan allegiance and affinity turn out to be the same element! So like fire/fire)

Hope this helps!
Ahhh okay so I should have it be Moon, Dreams + Ice then? (PARDON ALL MY CONFUSION THANK YOU FOR INFO)
Moon/Dreams + Water (Ice) if you want to follow the cast page format :3

Re: Thoughts and questions for making a Cisumian version of Nitor!!

Posted: 08 May 2024, 14:33
by DreamyPumpkins
ClefdeSoll wrote: 07 May 2024, 21:11
DreamyPumpkins wrote: 02 Apr 2024, 01:24
ClefdeSoll wrote:
The clan! The formatting is that in the cast page, the first listed element is the clan they come from and the second is their affinity so I definitely assumed them to be from the dreams clan. Some characters have two affinities like Copycat, these are called cusps. And the formatting I have for that is like his cast page entry iirc i have it as Darkness/Dreams (Fortune) + Water for him. So Darkness is the clan, Dreams (Fortune) + Water is his affinities. (And yes, you can have clan allegiance and affinity turn out to be the same element! So like fire/fire)

Hope this helps!
Ahhh okay so I should have it be Moon, Dreams + Ice then? (PARDON ALL MY CONFUSION THANK YOU FOR INFO)
Moon/Dreams + Water (Ice) if you want to follow the cast page format :3
Oh gotcha!! Will update that on the refs when I get the chance!