Chame-Link (Cisum OC)

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Chame-Link (Cisum OC)

Post by Quazeres »

Chame-Link is a robot fox that wasn't born on Cisum but came from another universe!
[Chame as for a "Chameleon" as it can camouflage like one] [Link as is a connection between its home planet and Cisum]

Prepare Thyself for Lore Dumping
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Chame is a robot created in the Petzar universe more specifically "Terraly" The main planet where creatures commonly known as Petzars reside, and is a world with much to discover. But for now, we will only discuss the ones behind Chame's creation and their trip to Cisum.

[Hatro] Is the main creator of Chame as He can create robots as seen by creating [API]
The robot behind helping Terraly progress. Chame was made to explore Cisum, and with that goal in mind, Hatro was able to study their world with the help of [Quazeres] as He provided every needed info about Cisum.
Chame was well-equipped for the expedition, as for another world, things might work differently from ours.

Chame is made of [Argentum Metal] but Quazeres said that They would need protection, not for Chame, but for Cisum as the material Chame is made of is highly harmful to their world and could cause its ambient to be completely destroyed when Chame steps into Cisum.

The robot has a tiny black hole whose only ability is to consume radiation and reduce and stabilize the gravity around Chame's body as if any living being from Cisum got close to Them, Their body would be crushed and become Chame's rings, and rings made of body parts would be very disturbing, and Quazeres said that Chame must not interact or cause harm towards Cisum nature or it's inhabitants, and if seen or attacked They must teleport to another location immediately.

Chame-Link was sent toward the Cisum location called "The Golden Mountains" and it was successful, then it was requested that it got close to a living being, and no impact was caused meaning that everything by now is working correctly.

Data log of the current expedition [Log Entry #1]
[Time: Day] - [Current Area: Tree Of Life] - [Current Mission: Collect Data Of Ambient & Nearby Life]
-- [Current Target: CHAROITE]
<Results: The target seems confused and wondering aimless and [He] seemed to have a rider who isn't present currently>
{Chame was detected} {Chame Escaped}
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Data log of the current expedition [Log Entry #2]
[Time: Night] - [Current Area: Golden Mountains] - [Current Mission: Collect Data Of Ambient & Nearby Life]
-- [Current Target: CHALCEDONY]
<Results: Chame fear module was activated for some reason, not much is known> [Must retry]
{Chame Ran Away}


Data Log of the current expedition [Log Entry #3]
[Time: Day] - [Current Area: Golden Mountains] - [Current Mission: Collect Data Of Ambient & Nearby Life]
-- [Current Target: FLORAL]
<Results: The target seems weak, it feels like [She] lost a battle... Chame tried to use [heal] however, Their systems alerted to not go near Floral... and made a sound, exposing Chame's presence>
{Chame was detected} {Chame Escaped}
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Data Log of the current expedition [Log Entry #4]
[Time: Day] - [Current Area: Rain Forest] - [Current Mission: Collect Data Of Ambient & Nearby Life]
-- [Current Target: CHALCEDONY]
<Results: Chame was spotted and attacked by "Cal", but Chame was able to teleport away> [AVOID CAL]
{Chame was attacked} {Chame Teleported}
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Last edited by Quazeres on 20 Aug 2024, 16:14, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chame-Link (Cisum OC)

Post by DreamyPumpkins »


So Charoite almost caught them it would seem!
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