
A board to say a little about yourself if you're new here!

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Post by Rateus »

It'd seem pretty rude of me if I didn't post something here having suggested this place was created in the first place.

I'm Rateus, cis he/him living in the UK with my partner who I've been with since 2002. We moved in together in 2005 when we relocated for work and have subsequently created a new home together a few hundred miles away from where we both grew up. Our house is full of plushies and board-games as we were discussing on BlueSky recently :-)

I've been reading webcomics since the early 2000s, and one of the very first I got into was Bittersweet Candybowl which is still going today! I found Yokoka's Quest via an advert on Exvulnerum (a webcomic I proof-read the print version of) and was draw in by the lovely art-style, interesting world-building and engaging characters.

I work as an analytical scientist and in my spare time I like nature walks, especially birdwatching (but honestly basically any sorts of interesting animal or plants or fungi or whatever, apart from spiders which for some reason creep me out). I sing in a cover band in my spare time and also spend (probably more) time (than is healthy) doing sports podcasting with friends.
All that is gold does not glitter, but I'd better hold onto it just in case:

Fahrin, probably.
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Re: Introduction

Post by ClefdeSoll »

Hi, Rateus!

First off, I’m so sorry for the time difference in dates. Thankfully since the forums were being migrated for most of the wait I hope it didn’t make you feel too ignored haha!

Thanks for suggesting this category and writing out a thread! You’ve been a very welcome presence in my social media mentions, and we’re happy to have you here. It’s great to hear a bit more about you.

I hope you enjoy the place, and we should be getting more and more settled with both the server migration and changing from smf to phpbb~!
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Re: Introduction

Post by DreamyPumpkins »

Nice to meet you Rateus! You seem cool!
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Re: Introduction

Post by Rateus »

tyvm :-) <3
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